Surat, India
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 06.00 PM
+91 70468 23333

What's here?

Cement People

Cement People

This is for people working in Cement industry (employees) or who wants to work here.
Spare 10 minutes time and fill it up.
Your profile will be checked, shortlisted by Cement Industry HR people from this database.

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Cement Job Links

This list contains the links of the career pages / jobs section of the official websites of the Indian Cement companies.
Check the current openings / vacancies and apply for jobs.

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Ask us, Solve it

Are you facing any problem in your current function?
Do you need our help to solve it?

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What's here?

Cement Business


Who can use this platform?: Manufacturers, vendors, service-providers.

This is a simple google-form.
Kindly spare 10 minutes time and fill it up with required details.
Your profile will be checked, shortlisted by purchasers of the cement plants from this database.


What's here?

Job Posting


Who can use this platform?: For Human Resource (HR) team and recruiters.

This is a simple google-form.
Kindly spare 5-6 minutes time and fill it up with required details.


What's here?

Cement Links : India and World

Cement Links

Know a lot of more things about cement.
Links of websites about Cement industries of India and the World.
Know more to grow more.
